Blue Rose Quartz - Crystal Healing Properties, Meaning, Uses, Facts, and History

Blue Rose Quartz - Crystal Healing Properties, Meaning, Uses, Facts, and History

Blue Rose Quartz for Crystal Healing

Blue Rose Quartz (also known as Dusky Rose Quartz) is a rare variety of Rose Quartz which usually appears in shades of pale grey-blue to lavender, but can also form alongside regular pink specimens. Like its blush-colored cousin, Blue Rose Quartz is a stone of love, acceptance, and emotional healing associated with the Heart Chakra.

It is a stone for soothing tensions, resentments, envy, and jealousy, because it inspires harmony and fidelity through emanations of pure and unconditional affection. This pure and long-lasting sense of connection is one that endures in all forms: romantic love, familial love, platonic love, and self love.

Working with Blue Rose Quartz is a refreshing and enveloping experience, giving the sense of being welcomed and cherished by the Universe. It is a tender and nurturing stone, strengthening empathic and intuitive abilities as we become more attuned to those around us.

Blue Rose Quartz is considered to have inclusions of blue dumortierite or sodalite, which give the stone it's bluish hue.  Quartz Crystal is a clear canvas, on which many minerals can collide, creating a watercolor-like array of hues.  Blue Rose Quartz is a name considered controversial for some, because Rose Quartz indicates a pink quartz crystal, so it cannot be both Blue and Rose Quartz. 

However, natural stones called Blue Rose Quartz do usually exhibit both a pink and blue hue; sometimes called lavender.  Despite the controversy over the name, it is a natural stone (typically from Madagascar).

Where is Blue Quartz Found, Sourced, and Mined?

Despite the controversy over the name, it is a natural stone (typically from Madagascar). Blue Rose Quartz, like other varieties of Quartz, is sourced from various locations around the globe. Beyond Madagascar, where it is commonly found, Blue Rose Quartz can also be discovered in Brazil, South Africa, Namibia, and the USA.

These diverse origins contribute to the stone's unique appeal, as each region imbues its own characteristics and qualities into the gemstones extracted there.

Understanding the global presence of Blue Rose Quartz not only adds to its allure but also offers insights into the geological marvels that create such stunning natural beauty.

Blue Rose Quartz Crystal

Blue Rose Quartz Crystal Meaning

Blue Rose Quartz is a gemstone that promotes great strength from within.  It is a Quartz Crystal is used by crystal healing practitioners for greater opening of the Heart Chakra.  It's soothing color makes Blue Rose Quartz a favorite for meditation.  It is a stone that:

  • Promotes opening the Heart Chakra
  • Self-love and acceptance
  • Balance and harmony from within
  • Soothing negative feelings or emotions
Blue Rose Quartz Rock

How Do I Cleanse Blue Rose Quartz?

Cleansing Blue Rose Quartz is vital to keep its energy pure and effective. Here are several methods to refresh and maintain the vibrancy of your crystal:

Water Rinse

A simple yet effective method is rinsing the crystal under cool, running water. Visualize negative energies being washed away, leaving the stone imbued with positive vibes. Use caution if your quartz features delicate inclusions or is sensitive to water exposure.

Is Blue Rose Quartz Water Safe?

Blue Rose Quartz is generally considered water-safe for brief periods. However, prolonged submersion, especially in water containing impurities or chemicals, may not be ideal. While the crystal is relatively water-resistant, some forms of Quartz may have inclusions or fractures that water could affect. Additionally, if your Blue Rose Quartz has delicate inclusions or is prone to fading, it's best to avoid submersion altogether.

By understanding the nuances of water exposure, you can ensure that your Blue Rose Quartz remains vibrant and energetically potent.

Salt Water Dip

Soak your Blue Rose Quartz in a bowl filled with cold water mixed with a small amount of sea or Himalayan salt. Let it rest for several hours or overnight. This process helps to neutralize unwanted energies, after which a gentle rinse under running water should remove any salt residue.

Sunlight Exposure

Placing your crystal in direct sunlight for a few hours allows the natural light to cleanse and recharge its energy. Be aware that prolonged exposure can cause fading, so monitor the time carefully.

Moonlight Bath

On nights of the full moon, set your Blue Rose Quartz outside or on a windowsill. Overnight exposure to moonlight offers a gentle and effective way to clear and rejuvenate the stone’s energy without affecting its color.

Selenite Rest

Using a self-cleansing crystal like Selenite is another easy method. Position your quartz on a piece of Selenite for a few hours or overnight.

Smudging Ritual

Waft the smoke of cleansing herbs, such as white sage, palo santo, or cedarwood, around the Blue Rose Quartz. As the smoke surrounds the crystal, imagine any negative energy dispersing.

Sound Vibration

Use sound, such as a singing bowl, bell, or your own voice through chanting, to clear stagnant energy from the crystal. Sound vibrations are powerful tools for cleansing.

Visualization Technique

Hold the crystal in your hands and envision a bright, purifying light enveloping and penetrating it, clearing away any impurities.

Choose the method that resonates most with you and your Blue Rose Quartz. Regular cleansing, especially after extensive use or when the crystal's energy feels diminished, will help maintain its purity and effectiveness.


Is Blue Rose Quartz a Birthstone?

Blue Rose Quartz is not designated as a traditional birthstone for any month. Traditional birthstone lists, which have been widely accepted for generations, don't specifically include Blue Rose Quartz.

Personal Connection to Blue Rose Quartz

However, gemstones and crystals have a deeply personal aspect to them. Many people choose stones based on their energy or symbolism rather than traditional associations. If you're drawn to the calming and nurturing energy of Blue Rose Quartz, you might decide to incorporate it into your life, regardless of its status as a birthstone.

Choosing Crystals Based on Intention

When selecting a crystal like Blue Rose Quartz, consider what it represents to you personally. Whether it's for emotional healing, promoting peace, or attracting love, the connection you feel is what truly matters. Crystals often serve individual purposes based on personal intentions, making them meaningful beyond traditional norms.

Embracing Uncommon Stones

While Blue Rose Quartz may not hold a place in the conventional birthstone hierarchy, it certainly has its own unique allure. Embrace the individuality of choosing a crystal that resonates with you, perhaps making it your birthstone in a personal, symbolic sense.

Is Blue Rose Quartz Linked to a Zodiac Sign?

Blue Rose Quartz isn't tied to a particular zodiac sign. It's a unique variation of the traditional pink Rose Quartz and doesn't possess specific astrological connections.

On the other hand, the more common pink Rose Quartz is often linked to Taurus, which spans from April 20th to May 20th. This association exists because of its qualities like nurturing love, emotional healing, and compassion—traits that resonate well with the dependable and caring nature of Taurus individuals.

Despite this, your use of Blue Rose Quartz doesn’t need to be limited by astrology. These crystals can be selected based on their unique energies and the healing properties they offer, aligning them with your personal preferences and needs rather than just zodiac connections.

Ultimately, the most important factor is how a crystal's energy speaks to you, regardless of your zodiac sign.


Crystals and gemstones are nature's true beauties, but they are not a substitute for seeking professional medical, legal, health, or financial advice.  Crystals and gemstones are to be used in conjunction with any professional care you are receiving and do not provide healing, cures, or other remedies modern medicine can provide.  The information provided in our listings with regard to the powers of crystals and gemstones are all derived from personal & professional experience with crystals & gems as well as ancient wisdom and texts documenting knowledge gained from civilizations around the world.  They are not backed by the FDA or scientific/government resources.  Our crystals & gemstones are not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease or malady.  Our crystals and gemstones are also not a replacement for seeking professional legal advice, financial advising, or any other field of professional expertise.  Crystals and gemstones are intended to be appreciated for their natural power and beauty, and used alongside modern, professional methods.

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