Howlite Properties and Information

Howlite Properties and Information

Howlite Properties and Information

Howlite is a white or ivory stone with grey veins or stripes throughout. Depending on its source, it may also have brown or yellow-ish portions. Since the stone is somewhat common and fairly porous, it is frequently dyed into other colors. One of the most prevalent dye choices is blue to make imitation turquoise.

The stone is less than ideal for jewelry, as it ranks at a 6.5 on the Mohs scale. However, that's in terms of crystals. In its typical rocky form, it's only about a 3.5. Still, people like to use howlite for jewelry or other lapidary projects.

As a result, howlite hearts, spheres, and other carvings are quite typical. That's not even mentioning the tumbled stone displays. These crystal display pieces for howlite tend to be more ideal than jewelry, as they are less likely to be damaged in such cases while still showcasing the wonderful beauty of the stone.

In other words, if you do wear howlite jewelry, it is worth keeping in mind that the stone is soft, and it can take damage from abrasions quite easily. Despite this, howlite makes a frequent appearance in certain objects, such as pendulums.

So, while it isn't the most practical choice for jewelry, there are many other ways in which someone can admire the aesthetic beauty of the howlite stone.

Metaphysical Properties of Howlite

Howlite is a stone that relieves stressful energy and helps you to find your inner calm. It is a stone that soothes the mind and helps you to settle differences in your life, allowing you to let go of the “little things”. This stone absorbs negative energies and dark thoughts, providing Mental focus and better perspective to grow your ideal future. Howlite dissolves ambient negativity from outside sources as well, guarding against selfish actions and instilling compassion. It is the stone to work with if you find yourself in a persistently “bad mood” or must interact on a regular basis with people who put out “Bad Vibes”, as it helps to soothe the temper and allows you to maintain a baseline which is more centered and unruffled.

Howlite is often dyed with various colors.

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