

Metaphysical Properties of Larimar

Larimar is a gemstone that inspires ancient wisdom, attracting intrinsic knowledge, and washing over you with spiritual healing and rejuvenating energies. Larimar relieves stress and negative energy, imparting serenity, balance, and understanding. Larimar resonates to the Water Element, providing a supportive, nurturing energy and guidance. It is a stone that opens a path to clarity, focus, and communication, making it easier to face hardships or difficulties. Larimar helps to unlock an emotional and mental flexibility that make it feel natural to ride life’s ups and downs as though they were only an ocean wave.

Larimar is also known as the Atlantis Stone, Blue Pectolite, Dolphin Stone, and Stefilia's Stone. Larimar is a pale blue and white stone, often found within grey, brown, or black matrix. A-grade specimens may exhibit an “ocean wave” pattern of white on the blue.

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