What is Ametrine?
Ametrine sometimes called Bolivianite, is a natural variety of Quartz that features a translucent to transparent blend of purple and yellow-to-orange coloration. This can arise due to natural heating within the Earth resulting in changes to the Amethyst crystal's color, which results in Ametrine's reputation as a stone that is half Amethyst, half Citrine. The name Ametrine has also traditionally been used for gems in which the yellow-orange shades are caused by ferruginous inclusions. The most desirable specimens feature distinct color differentiation, resulting in a striking half and half appearance, though tumbled Ametrine often features only a spot or internal streak of yellow.
Ametrine Benefits, Metaphysical Properties, and Meaning
Ametrine is a crystal of harmonious union, and is known for its propensity to encourage emotional balance and self empowerment. Resonating with the Solar Plexus Chakra and Crown Chakra, Ametrine is used for cleansing away stagnation and readying us for the fruition of our goals, dreams, and wishes. The meaning of Ametrine is the fulfillment of our highest potential through wisdom, compassion, and decisive action. It is a crystal with a peaceful joy to offer, promoting inner strength and personal power.