Charoite Meaning and Metaphysical Properties
The meaning of Charoite is betterment of the soul, personal evolution, and finding the good in every circumstance. In this way, Charoite resonates with the entire Chakral column, but has greater potency when working with the Heart Chakra, Third Eye Chakra, and Crown Chakra. It is a wonderful stone to use in meditation if you are looking to build greater spiritual wisdom and understanding or if you are seeking mental clarity, particularly for the purpose of solving problems, overcoming difficulties, or dissolving spiritual blockages. Charoite stone is often carried by those facing upheavals in life, as it assists us in adapting to these sudden changes, helping us move toward our Higher Self with wisdom and positivity.
Charoite (sometimes called Charoitite) is a naturally silvery-purple gem that can be found growing in splintery, tube-like structures, sometimes with beige-to-peach Tokkoite or Tinkasite alongside it. When these growths are aligned just so, Charoite can take on little patches of chatoyant shine! This gem is often found with pale clouds of Quartz or Feldspar intergrowth, as well as black splotches caused by Pyroxene minerals (usually Aegirine, sometimes Augite). Because Charoite is only found in Russia in the area between the Chara and Tokko rivers, it is highly prized and quite rare.
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Charoite Stone