

Kunzite Meaning and Metaphysical Properties
Kunzite is a gemstone associated with love, empathy, and positive energy, making it a wonderful support stone for anyone looking to build happiness.  Kunzite encourages us  to breathe freely, live authentically, and allow people to truly know us so that we can be appreciated for who we are.  Kunzite is associated with the Heart Chakra and assists in building acceptance, compassion, and devotion.  It's a great stone for accentuating the positive, allowing us to practice mindfulness and gratitude for the blessings that surround us and the people we hold dear. Kunzite is a stone that attunes to deep, genuine forms of love, encouraging us to love ourselves and others unconditionally.

Kunzite is a type of Spodumene and can be found in shades of silver, white, cream, lavender, pink, or lilac. It is a gemstone that has a pale and gentle appearance, with coloration being dependent on the amount of Manganese or Lithium inclusion in the stone, and can be transparent to opaque.