Manmade Smoky Obsidian | Smokey Obsidian | Imitation Black Obsidian

Manmade Smoky Obsidian | Smokey Obsidian | Imitation Black Obsidian

What is Smoky Obsidian?

We sometimes get the question, "Is Smoky Obsidian natural?" Although there are some varieties of Black Obsidian that trend more grey and may be called "Smoky Obsidian" by collectors, the majority of semi-transparent Smoky Obsidian (aka Smokey Obsidian) is manmade.  This grey-brown to black gem, whose appearance is intended to evoke the dark splendor of natural volcanic Black Obsidian mixed with the semi-transparency of natural Smoky Quartz, is often used as an Imitation Obsidian. Sometimes found displaying a sheen in various colors, or grey clouds, this manmade stone is a form of glass and may also feature small bubbles or streaks within. Despite being manmade, it is often used in spiritual work as a stone for grounding and is popularly worn in the form of gemstone jewelry, especially beaded bracelets.

Smoky Obsidian Meaning and Metaphysical Properties

Smoky Obsidian (sometimes spelled Smokey Obsidian) is a semi-opaque to transparent manmade stone associated with the Root Chakra, the Earth element, and deep grounding energy. As a manmade gem, it holds an extremely tenacious presence, offering us the impetus to seek, create, and facilitate balance in the world around us through our own behaviors and choices. Smoky Obsidian is a stone for actively building peace, and to that end it encourages us to make the correct decisions, do our part, and act with maturity and patience so that we may reap the best outcomes. Offering a depth of wisdom, willpower, and calm confidence, Smoky Quartz counsels us to use our energy on what matters and to avoid seeking validation from negative sources or instant gratification.