Shungite Stone | Shungite Crystal

Shungite Stone | Shungite Crystal

What is Shungite?

Shungite is a naturally occurring high-carbon variety of Pyrobitumen that is mostly found in the Karelia region of Russia. Deep grey in color, this hydrocarbon mineraloid can vary slightly in its composition, with some pieces having a dull matte appearance and others looking almost metallic. Shungite specimens of exceptionally high carbon purity are referred to as Elite Noble Shungite and are coveted by collectors. Apart from its spiritual properties, Shungite has been historically used in water filtration, construction, and even as pigments for paint!

Shungite Properties and Metaphysical Meaning

In crystal healing, Shungite is thought of as a miracle stone and used as a gem for cleansing and protection, as well as for stress relief, grounding, and amplifying the energies of other gemstones. It is believed that Shungite is effective for shielding against EMF, psychic attacks, and evil eyes by dissolving and purifying the negative energies. In meditation, Shungite is used as a focal tool for balancing emotions, reducing stress, and promoting a positive mindset. It is also considered an effective stone for cleansing the Chakral column, the aura, and the astral body, making Shungite a go-to stone for removing blockages and voids.