Sunstone Properties & Information
Sunstone belongs to the feldspar family and is characterized by the copper schiller it exhibits, which comes from inclusions of copper (rare) or hematite (much more common). It is available in a lovely bouquet of colors, such as pale orange, yellow, and red. However, sunstone is a crystal of bright variety and is not restricted to these colors, as it can also be found in shades of green and blue.
Interestingly, it is often referred to as aventurine feldspar owing to its similarity in appearance to aventurine; despite this resemblance, the two stones have different chemical compositions.
Sunstone is a stone that is widely admired for its enchanting, shimmering appeal, but what might surprise only recently gained popularity. It's not ill-suited for jewelry or anything, but people have simply just not appreciated it.

In the past, Norway was considered to be the primary source for sunstone crystal specimens. However, Oregon produces some of the most renowned sunstone pieces, which is a type of Labradorite that contains hematite inclusions that give rise to that famous schiller.
Both plain old sunstone and Oregon sunstone are beautiful, and if you ever get the chance to see a high-quality specimen in person, you'll see that both have their own unique beauty and charm. However, we more commonly see regular sunstones in jewelry.
Sunstone may have small inclusions of black tourmaline.
Metaphysical Properties of Sunstone
It is imperative to acknowledge the lack of scientific evidence and endorsement from healthcare professionals regarding the assertions made by the crystal healing or metaphysical community of the healing or spiritual abilities of stones. We highly discourage the use of crystals to replace professional care or treatment. There is no substantive scientific backing that supports the notion that specific crystal formations or colors offer any benefits beyond the placebo effect.
Although meditation is known to offer some benefits, it must not be considered an alternative to, or a substitute for, conventional, verified medical practices. It is critical to always seek assistance from medical experts for concerns related to health. The use of crystals or meditation should not be perceived as an alternative to seeking expert medical or health advice, treatment, or expertise.

It is believed by crystal healers that Sunstone, a gemstone associated with the Fire Element, carries the energy of the nearest star in our solar system, the Sun. When held or worn, the stone is said to emit solar energy that can be felt throughout the body. According to crystal healers, Sunstone has the ability to illuminate a supernatural light within one's consciousness, and this can help one receive powerful messages from their ancestors and spirit guides.
Many crystal healers claim that sunstone is a powerful crystal that can help one to receive the blessings and gifts of the universe. According to these healers, sunstone is believed to bring abundance, prosperity, and hope into one's life, even during times of hopelessness. Additionally, it is considered a stone that can inspire positive change, helping to remove us from ruts and negative habits. It is also believed to shine a clarifying light into our minds, allowing for stronger and more beneficial focus. This mental clarity is said to make us more receptive to the wisdom and knowledge of the universe, sharpening our intuition and spiritual acumen. However, it is important to note that these claims are not backed by scientific evidence and should be taken with a grain of salt.
The Wrap Up
Sunstone is a beautiful crystal with a schiller that we cannot help but look at to appreciate once in a while. If you are looking for an excellent and underappreciated stone to enhance crystal décor, then you might want to look at this pretty stone. Sunstone is a stone we love for its pastel and sunny disposition, do you? Thank you for reading!