Crystal Gemstone Shop is a micro business located in (and shipping directly from) Central Florida, USA.
How micro is micro? Well, usually we're a team of three people (and one adorable puppy), processing and shipping out orders Monday through Thursday.
If you're searching for crystals for sale, we hope you'll consider our little shop! 💗
Why? We have over 20 years experience with healing crystals, from rough gemstones and crystal geodes to tumbled stones. We responsibly source all our materials from vendors that Venus has personally vetted and built professional relationships with over many years, meeting them in person, visiting their operations, selecting gemstones by hand, and rigorously testing materials for authenticity. Whenever possible, we work with vendors and artisans in the USA, except in cases where specific gems cannot be found in this part of the world. In all cases, we are extremely selective about where we source our crystals and stones because we only want to offer you pieces we'd want for our own collections and we believe in keeping a spiritually positive space! In addition to taking the sourcing and proper identification of our gems very seriously, we're also passionate about providing gorgeous gemstone jewelry. Some of our fine jewelry pieces and crystal bracelets are handmade in our shop, while others are created by skilled artisans and curated for our collection by Venus. We offer wire wrapped pendants, sterling silver jewelry, and stretchy beaded bracelets, just to name a few of our options!
We're not afraid to break stones open, check mohs hardness with acids, or apply lasers to test refraction, because we pick our inventory with extreme care and we believe in clear communication. Our product listings will always let you know which of our crystals and stones are completely natural (the vast majority of our stock), which are manmade (Opalite, Goldstone, etc), or if they have been treated (like Turquenite or Aura Quartz).
Our Sage bundles, Palo Santo sticks, dried florals, and dried herbs are sustainably harvested, and we provide organic options whenever available. Some of our dried herbs are also wildcrafted! We source our smudge sticks, Palo Santo, and spell jar supplies very carefully, with respect to their spiritual significance and environmental impact. On occasion, Bee provides organic homegrown dried herbs for the shop directly from her garden (be on the lookout for rosemary and peppermint)!
Most importantly: If you have a question, feel free to email us! Reach out to Venus and Bee at if you have any concerns and we'll get back to you as soon as we can!
Who's Handling the Crystals?
We do not outsource any of our work, so your questions will always be answered by Venus or Bee (and sometimes by auto-message if we're not available to chat at the time). You are always getting a response from someone who works with our inventory daily and they are usually in the shop when they respond to you, so they can physically check items unless they're out of office.
Venus is our business owner, taking point with all stone sourcing, vendors, business requirements, and much of our back-end website work, including our Rewards Program, Crystal Gemstone Shop Phone App, and most of our Gemstone Blog entries! A formidable Virgo and an all-around amazing person to have at the helm, Venus keeps us on an even keel, provides guidance, and jumps in whenever and wherever she's needed, capable of wearing all the hats, from photos and listings to inventory receiving, pulling, and processing orders. If you're receiving a response to an email, chat, or social media comment after hours, Friday through Sunday, or on a holiday, you're most likely talking to Venus!
Bee handles order pulling & shipping, customer support, inventory, taking photos, and updating listings. She helps with newsletters, social media, and other odds and ends as needed. She's a Cancer sign who regularly cleanses the shop, listens to lots of musical soundtracks, and goes, "THINK OF HOW LONG THIS ROCK TOOK TO FORM THIS SPECIFIC PATTERN! ISN'T THE WORLD AMAZING?" If you're receiving a response to an email, chat, or social media comment Monday through Thursday during shop hours (8AM - 4:30PM EST), you're probably talking to Bee!
Peridot (Dottie) comes in to help with pulling orders to keep things going smoothly whenever Bee is in a pinch. They're a helpful Scorpio with a cheeky sense of humor and a passion for finding the most beautiful and unique gems for each order basket. You probably won't hear from Dottie in emails or comments, but just know that they wish you the very best and they're overjoyed that you share their love of crystals!