Unveiling the Vibrant World of Apatite Crystals
While the Apatite group of minerals is incredibly diverse, featuring Vanadates (such as Vanadinte) and Arsenates (such as Mimetite), when most people say the word "Apatite" they are referring to Fluorapatite-- a phosphate Apatite known for its wide array of colors and forms.
Diverse Color Spectrum
One of the most striking features of the apatite mineral is its color variety. It can appear in hues ranging from vibrant blues and greens to yellows and pinks, each color variant offering a unique appeal. This diversity is due to trace amounts of various elements that influence the mineral's coloration, making each piece distinct. Blue apatite crystal is the most sought after variety, as it has become a favorite among crystal collectors.
What is Apatite Used for?
While different shades of Apatite hold different spiritual meanings, the gem is traditionally associated with spiritual growth, wisdom, and introspection. Blue Apatite is known as a gem of the Higher Chakras (Throat Chakra, Third Eye Chakra, and Crown Chakra), promoting authenticity of self and an expanded perspective conducive to enlightenment. Yellow Apatite resonates more strongly with the Solar Plexus Chakra and Crown Chakra, and is a stone for positivity, confidence, and motivation, making it an excellent crystal for manifestation.