
Bloodstone Gemstone

We have all kinds of bloodstone for sale, if you like tumbled, carvings, or jewelry, then we have a wide variety available. A good bloodstone crystal has a rich red and a healthy green, making them great for casual wear, and we do have bloodstone jewelry available, so check it out!

Bloodstone is a stone of purity and true power.  Bloodstone brings you confidence, creativity, passion, and wisdom.  Through work with this stone you can reconnect to the purity and divinity which resides within your soul.  This stone empowers you to move forward in your life and leave nothing behind.  As a gemstone of history it was previously known as Heliotrope (to attract Sun) as a stone that could absorb the power of the Sun and provide great healing and rejuvenating power.  It was also known as a stone connected to the crucifixion of Christ; the gemstone capturing the blood that fell from his death on the cross.  In all cases the Bloodstone gemstone is a highly energetic, spiritual, and mystic stone of wondrous spiritual power.