Deeply green with flecks or splotches of dark red, Bloodstone crystal is a natural gem that was once called Heliotrope by the ancient Greeks, and today is still used for crystal healing, meditation, and supernatural protection. Bloodstone has a long history as a stone of power, and is known for its diverse array of uses such as purification, protection, grounding, stress relief, confidence, wisdom, creativity, rejuvenation, awareness, and connecting with the divine. The meaning of Bloodstone is to trust yourself and your abilities so that you can move forward on your life journey. It is a useful support gemstone for scholars and those learning a new skills as Bloodstone is believed to encourage stability and mental focus, helping us to unlock hidden knowledge, engage in inventive problem solving, and expand our spiritual awareness. As a Root Chakra stone, Bloodstone crystals are also thought to help us remove negative influences, distractions, and chaotic energies, making them useful for facilitating deeper meditative states.
Bloodstone is a deep green variety of Prase, often found as an impure Chalcedony known as Jasper, flecked with red splotches or streaks caused by iron oxide inclusions within the gem. Bloodstone crystals can vary in appearance, and may include other colors (most often yellow or brown, also caused by iron oxide inclusion), varying shades of green, and/or banding of Quartz or Chalcedony. South African varieties of Bloodstone are often called Seftonite and feature a lighter grey-green Chalcedony and brecciations of Green Jasper and Red Jasper.
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Bloodstone Crystal & Seftonite Bloodstone