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Cornetite is a unique gemstone that stimulates your creative mind and allows for greater expression, thinking and problem-solving. If you are an artist, writer, dancer, musician or wish to be in the Arts this gemstone facilitates a powerful channel for artistic brilliance and personalization. Cornetite's metaphysical properties allow you to discover a higher resonating balance between your personal life and career path so you do not feel disconnected from either and they can work in greater harmony. Cornetite's cleansing powers allow you to see your artistic visions clearly and express yourself with the truest form of your art. The meaning of Cornetite is wondrously expressed through the stimulation of supernatural ties in your bloodline.

Cornetite is a tan, brown or green gemstone with speckles or splashes of blue. Sometimes the blue can be sprays or fan-like, bubble-shaped or cube shaped.