Holiday Crystals! Amazing Stones for the Holiday Season

Holiday Crystals! Amazing Stones for the Holiday Season

Holiday Stones

When it comes to the holidays, we can't get enough of some of the themed stuff. You've got eggnog, symbols, ornaments, and so much more. Not to mention things like holiday movies and shows or desserts. But what about a holiday crystal? Do we have any snowy seasonable stones? Well, technically, there aren't many. But let's start our own trend and make a list of some seasonal stones.

How about we add snowflake obsidian, chestnut jasper, selenite, and spirit quartz to our list of holiday stones!

Snowflake Obsidian

You can't act surprised that this is on the list, right? It's right in the name. For the holiday season, snowflake obsidian is a wonderful crystal that echoes some of the season's beauties.

The stone itself is said to be a symbol of peace, harmony, and balance. Talk about the three things we would love to have this holiday season!

Snowflake obsidian is a type of volcanic glass, and it is a type of igneous rock. The white patches themselves are actually cristobalite (source: 

In short, snowflake obsidian is a stone worthy of the season!

Snowflake obsidian stones in hand

Spirit Quartz

By the candle light comes the ghost of crystal past, present, and future! Spirit quartz is a super awesome stone with a smooth lavender coat. Given its name, you would be right in assuming it that, by superstition and folklore, it was a stone associated with spirits.

It's not all spooky, however, as the stone was once believed to bring happiness and delight. Well, even if you're not the superstitious type, spirit quartz can help put a smile on our faces for sure!

Spirit quartz, physically, is a type of quartz. Depending on the color, however, it can be called many different things. When it's purple, it's also called "cactus amethyst". When it's yellow or gold, it's called "pineapple quartz".

Regardless, it's an amazing stone that we love over here! And we have some spirit quartz for sale. Just in case you want to add something interesting to someone's stocking.

Spirit Quartz stones on display

Chestnut Jasper

What is chestnut jasper? Well, it could be a great way for you to start off the holiday season. It is a brown-red hued variety of jasper with a 'nutty' appearance, which makes it a jolly choice for the season. Though you shouldn't roast this stone over some flames, it's a great stone that reflects some of the spirit of the season. Chestnut jasper is also a stone said to be a symbol of generosity and positive growth. Talk about somethin that can relate to the time, right? Not only will Chestnut jasper add a touch of holiday cheer to your collection, but its brown-red hues make it a jolly choice.

Jasper is a varied stone and a type of chalcedony, and there are many other types of jasper. In any case, it's a great stone for a crystal collection!

Chestnut jasper is also a stone said to be a symbol of generosity and positive growth. Talk about somethin that can relate to the time, right? It's also just a beautiful piece of jasper.

Chestnut jasper stones on white display board


Selenite is touted as the moon stone, given its name. It's not a type of moonstone, though. Selenite is a gorgeous crystal that is said to be a symbol of grace. Its pure white color reminds us, personally, of snow! That's not too hard to believe. It is a stone said to embody clarity. And it is just a pleasant stone to look at, honestly.

Our selenite jewelry could make for a great holiday gift, too! The linked pieces come with green tourmaline. Don't leave the stockings empty, this selenite gift may not stuff it entirely, but it makes up for it in holiday spirit!

Selenite is also frequently carved into a variety of shapes and objects, such as bowls, hearts, and even angels. It is a stone said to embody clarity. And it is just a pleasant stone to look at, honestly.

Selenite heart in hand

The Wrap Up

This holiday season might have crystal goodies ready and waiting! If you're planning on stocking up your stockings with something other than the usuals (and coal), then you should consider a few of these gem goodies.

Selenite in particular is a magnificent stone that we can't get enough of. But snowflake obsidian is also just too obvious to not gift out!

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