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Fire Agate

Fire Agate
Fire Agate is an amazing gemstone that channels the Fire Element which brings the supernatural powers of construction and destruction. This means you have the power to cleanse negative areas in your life and rebuild with positive principles. This stone is a firehouse of positive energy that works well with meditation and personal evolution. Fire Agate creates a strong vibration to your personal energies and acts as an amplifier for your deepest and strongest desires. Fire Agate makes you feel passionate, lustful, inspired, and creative on every level. You feel your sensual and erotic endeavors with vast feeling and emotion. Fire Agate is an exciting stone to work with that stimulates your own fire from within.

Fire Agate is a clear, red, brown and white gemstone that looks like waves of fire within the gemstone.


Other information

Fire agate, a form of chalcedony, has the look of fire because of its inclusions. These inclusions are goethite and limonite.  It is a 6.5-7 on Mohs scale and its chemical formula is oxygen and silicon. Localities are primarily Mexico and the United States



"Fire agate." Mindat - Mines, Minerals, and More. Accessed February 28, 2019.