Fluorite Crystal | Rainbow Fluorite | Purple Fluorite | Green Fluorite | Blue Fluorite

Fluorite Crystal | Rainbow Fluorite | Purple Fluorite | Green Fluorite | Blue Fluorite

Fluorite Crystal: A Natural Rainbow

Fluorite is a crystal that can be found in many colors! Green Fluorite, purple Fluorite, and blue Fluorite are staples for crystal collectors, but yellow Fluorite can also be found in many locations, as well as a light purple variation sometimes referred to as pink Fluorite. When multiple colors of the gemstone are found together in one piece, it is usually referred to as Rainbow Fluorite. These multicolor specimens are highly sought after crystals that are extremely popular, so they are typically used for making gemstone jewelry, crystal towers, spheres, or other statement pieces for home decor.

What is Fluorite Used For?

The meaning of Fluorite is not just emotional connection, but a deeper awareness of our place in the universe and the way all living things rely on one another. Meditate with Fluorite mineral when you want to engage with the Universal Consciousness and grow your perspective. Fluorite's metaphysical properties make it excellent for this purpose, and it is a true gem for the Higher Chakras. Bridging from the Heart Chakra through the Third Eye to the Crown Chakra, Fluorite resonates with the knowledge that we are not alone and that our actions ripple through creation, allowing us to better understand where we fit into the grand design. This intense feeling of connection is why the stone is often used in meditation by those seeking to alleviate loneliness or sorrow.

How to Cleanse and Charge Fluorite Crystals

Fluorite stone is wonderful for spiritual healing because it is known as a filter for negative energy, helping us to process our feelings, intentions, motivations, and needs so that we understand our place in the world more completely. However, this means that the crystal needs to be cleansed and charged often. We suggest resting on a Selenite tile or bowl for charging and cleansing Fluorite, but moonlight rituals, sage smudge, or burning incense can all be used to spiritually cleanse crystals. Prolonged sun exposure may dull your Fluorite's colors over time, so we do not advise sun cleansing or charging as a regular practice for this gemstone.

Can Fluorite Go in Water?

Fluorite is a softer stone, physically, and shouldn't be placed in water for cleansing (especially not salt water). Your Fluorite crystal will gradually grow softer if it is left for extended time in water and any natural mineral inclusions within the Fluorite may leech into the water. This means that Fluorite should never be used for water diffusion purposes! It also means that water submersion can damage Fluorite over time, so we strongly advise other cleansing methods.