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Green Goldstone

Green Goldstone

What is Goldstone?

We're often asked, Is Goldstone natural? Goldstone, referred to as Glitter Sandstone or Glitterstone by some collectors, is a manmade gemstone and does not occur in nature. The method of creating Goldstone varies depending on the crafter creating it, with the most common bases being glass or resin. Traditionally, silica is melted into glass with copper flecks and other minerals added at various stages in order to gain the glimmering internal glitters and various colors Goldstone is known for. Most Goldstone still features this standard recipe, although resin alternatives have also become popular. While some sellers refer to Goldstone as Glitter Sandstone, it should be remembered that Goldstone is manmade, whereas Sandstone is a natural sand-grade clastic-sedimentary rock. Sandstone is also an alternate name for Steatite, a naturally occurring variety of Talc, which is also known as Soapstone. These naturally occurring varieties of stone are not the same as Goldstone, which is always manmade.

What is Goldstone Good For?

Goldstone can be found in various colors, created by adding different mineral components during different stages of heat and cooling the silica glass base. Of these rainbow shades of Goldstone, the most popular are Red Goldstone, Blue Goldstone (sometimes called Purple Goldstone), and Green Goldstone, with each having its own metaphysical properties for meditation and spiritual use. 

What Chakra is Goldstone? That depends on the color! Red Goldstone, typically a terracotta color, is associated with energy generation, motivation, self awareness, and decision making. This makes Red Goldstone a Sacral Chakra and Solar Plexus Chakra stone, often used in manifestation, particularly when it comes to achieving goals. Blue Goldstone is all about independence, self expression, creativity, and living authentically, free from the negative influences of others. It's no surprise that Blue Goldstone is a strong Throat Chakra and Third Eye Chakra stone used by artists and those who want to break away from expectations that hold them down. Green Goldstone resonates with the Heart Chakra and Third Eye Chakra, and is known as an excellent support stone for those seeking emotional healing, past life resolution, hope, and a heightened perspective for problem solving.