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Lizardite is a powerful gemstone that resonates through all of your Chakras. Working with this stone helps you understand the Earthen Realm and the natural, Earthen Elements. Lizardite is a stone for helping you clear blocked passages of communication, of the mind, and within the heart. Lizardite opens your Kundalini opportunities for wisdom and understanding the path of the Universe. It is a unique and expressive stone with a lot of Earthen energy.

Lizardite is a green gemstone which has a rich & dense hue; from pale green to emerald green.


Other information
Lizardite is in the serpentine group, having hydrogen, magnesium, oxygen, and silicon as chemical properties. French, Italian, Swiss, German, Czech,  and Australian mines are common for lizardite.


"Lizardite." Mindat - Mines, Minerals, and More. Accessed February 28, 2019.