Rainbow Moonstone Crystal Palm Stone Natural Gemstone for Meditation | Multiple Sizes
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Palm Stones & Worry Stones

Palm Stones & Worry Stones

Hold Your Crystals Close

Searching for a way to enhance your quality of life through stress relief? Palm stones are said to bring a wide variety of spiritual benefits and are a wonderful tool for meditation as well as for fidgeting away anxious energy. Many crystal collectors use to palm stones, worry stones, and meditation stones to encourage a restful state of mind. The most amazing thing about palm stones is that you don't have to be in a specific place to use them for self care. Take them with you in your pocket or bag when you're on the go— you never know when you’ll need some support to relax!

Palm Stones for Meditation and Fidgeting

Palm stones are often selected for their texture, beauty, or spiritual meaning. They range from pocket sized to quite large and are available in oblong, oval, flat, or smooth shapes. Whether the metaphysical properties of the crystal are your main focus or you are looking for just the right stone for fidgeting or stimming, our wide array of gemstones has something for everyone! We offer power stones as well as worry stones perfect for the  crystal collecting beginner or the seasoned afficionado! 

Spiritual Gifts for Stress Relief

If you need a unique crystal gift for friends and family, palm stones can be a wonderful choice. These spiritual tools and can be very therapeutic for those under stress or experiencing anxiety, and many palm stones are the perfect size for carrying daily in a pocket or purse. They make thoughtful gifts and are a favorite among crystal lovers all over the world!