

Pearls promote the purity, divinity and childlike wonderment from within.  They resonate with creationary energies and will draw you into a state of total awareness.  They are highly in tune with the Water Element and therefore have tremendous healing and cleansing properties.  When you work with pearls you can feel surges of Elemental energy flow through all 3 of your bodies simultaneously.  They can settle raw nerves, qualm fears, and anxiety, and provide relief during stressful situations.  They are the perfect stone to work with if you need to find a sense of enrichment, confidence, and grace.  This is why they are often worn by the wealthy and connected to the finer situations in life from job interviews to weddings and nights of elegance.


Other information
Pearl, calcium carbonite that may have aragonite or calcite, is organic in origin.


"Pearl." Mindat - Mines, Minerals, and More. Accessed February 28, 2019.