Plum Tanzine Aura Quartz Point Tower Obelisk
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Titianium Rainbow Aura Quartz Gemstone Point
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Rainbow Titanium Aura Quartz Tower Obelisk | Crystal Gemstone Shop.
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Treated & Dyed Gemstones

Treated & Dyed Gemstones

This collection contains natural gems that have received some form of treatment, resulting in a change to their appearance. For example, Turquenite starts as white Howlite, but is dyed to take on a bright, vibrant blue tone. The underlying stone is natural, but since it has been dyed, we like to disclose that information inside our listing description. If a gem has had an aura coating applied, been color enhanced, or otherwise received some form of human intervention (aside from tumbling, polishing, drilling, carving, mining, etc) we will add it to this collection so that you can make the best and most informed decisions regarding your choice of gemstones. 

Some treated gemstones include (but are not limited to) : Turquenite (Dyed Blue Howlite), Red Snakeskin Fire Agate (Natural Agate, sometimes Heat Treated to enhance crackled pattern), all Aura Quartzes (Natural Quartz crystal with a Titanium dioxide aura coating), some Rainbow Crackle Quartz specimens (natural Quartz crystal, heated and then rapidly cooled to produce extra rainbows). 

At Crystal Gemstone Shop, we believe in transparency regarding our gems so that when you're shopping for crystals you can always choose the pieces that align with your needs and spiritual beliefs. For that reason, we explain the condition of our stones clearly and carefully within our listings so that you will always know whether your gem has been the recipient of human creativity.

To shop our Natural Gemstones, you can visit our Natural Crystals Collection. :)