Azurite Malachite

Azurite Malachite

Metaphysical Properties of AZURITE Malachite

Azurite is a gorgeous blue-green gemstone that strengthens your psychic power and energies. It can merge you with incredible psychic visions and realizations which can come through telepathy, dreams and meditation. Azurite is fantastic for those who meditate or practice Yoga because you have your intuitive and psychic senses stimulated and become open to prophetic power. In ancient times Azurite was used for healing practices and was worked with alongside copper for deeper spiritual healing. Azurite promotes a healthy flow of energy and keeps your supernatural awareness open.
Azurite can be blue and green or solid blue; depending on the source. The blue is always vibrant and rich in depth of blue.
Malachite is a gorgeous stone of vibrant green color. In fine specimens it can have swirls of various shades of green in a mesmerizing pattern. Malachite is hailed as a stone for true personal transformation. It will assist you through life changes and help you to make the right decisions for your future. You will find yourself being consistently motivated to become a greater person with the Malachite gemstone. It creates within you a true and distinct voice of hope and self-expression. You should wear or work with malachite when you have to speak in public for greater confidence and focus. This gemstone is a spiritual healing force of nature which draws negative energies away from the mind and burns it away through positive energy.

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