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Shop Manmade Gemstones

Shop Manmade Gemstones

This collection contains manmade gems (such as Goldstone, manmade Opalite, Indigo Obsidian, etc.) that exist only through the ingenuity of mankind. As such, these stones cannot be found in nature. While manmade stones can be controversial, many use them in their spiritual work and in meditation, causing these gems to be associated with specific Chakras and metaphysical properties. Even if you do not use manmade gems in crystal healing, grids, or spellwork, they remain highly popular for jewelry making, craft projects, and home decor pieces because of their beauty.

At Crystal Gemstone Shop, we believe in transparency regarding our gems so that when you're shopping for crystals you can always choose the pieces that align with your needs and spiritual beliefs. For that reason, we mark our Manmade stones clearly and carefully within our listings so that you will always know whether your gem came from Mother Earth or human intervention.

To shop our Natural Gemstones, you can visit our Natural Crystals Collection. :)