Kunzite Properties & Information | Crystal Gemstone Shop

Kunzite Properties & Information | Crystal Gemstone Shop

Kunzite Properties & Information | Crystal Gemstone Shop

A guide for the history, meaning, metaphysical uses, purposes, crystal healing, and properties of the kind kunzite

The kunzite stone is a relatively new mineral and is a variety of spodumene. It is a quite popular variety too, with a gorgeous pink hue and pleochroic surface. It was found in the late nineteenth century in California, but not given proper description until 1902.

Though it is fresh on the scene (well, compared to other minerals), kunzite has enjoyed a great deal of popularity in recent times. Depending on the cut, kunzite can show off a gorgeous violet hue, a cute and blushing pink, or, if it's really good, a mix of both!

Image of hand holding four kunzite towers of varying sizes, short to tall, left to right.

Another unique property or element of a kunzite crystal is its gradual fading in natural light. Thus, it is advised to not keep the stone by windows where the sun will beam down upon them!

Some refer to kunzites as lithia amethyst, but this is not entirely correct due to the two having different origin and chemical compositions. Both are silicate minerals, but kunzite is, more specifically, an aluminous lithia-silicate mineral. Kunzite is a purple variety of spodumene, but amethyst is a purple variety of quartz. There are more differences between the two stones, but they actually look good together!

Kunzite, a beautiful stone exhibiting delicate pink hues, carries profound meaning and symbolism. It is widely associated with love and devotion, serving as a tangible representation of deep affection and unwavering commitment. This exquisite gemstone often symbolizes divine love, capturing the essence of an ethereal connection and the radiant light that emanates from such profound affection. Kunzite's significance can be interpreted as an embodiment of pure love, representing the highest form of adoration and the boundless power of affectionate bonds.

If you're looking to pair some stones together, Kunzite gets along with stones like pink tourmaline or red garnet. You can also match it with some amethyst or go for some contrast by bringing some green stones, like green calcite or green aventurine.

Scientific Information

Here are some common questions and scientific facts about the lovely kunzite stone!

How to tell a real kunzite? Kunzite has a few distinct properties. A quick hardness test can easily establish if it is real or fake. However, another way is to tell from the color and clarity, as kunzite has two perfect cleavages, and, as a trichroic gemstone, will show three different colors when viewed from different angles.


Image of hand holding multiple raw kunzite pieces

Because of this, and the fact that it fades in light, it's not likely that you will come upon "fake" kunzite, or someone passing off another stone as kunzite. Its distinctive properties make it easy to discern from other purple or pink stones. Even then, to the best of our knowledge, imitation or synthetic kunzite does not appear to exist.

Where is Kunzite found? Quality locales exist in California, Madagascar, Afghanistan, and Brazil. 

How Rare is Kunzite? Kunzite that does not have a strong purple color is relatively common. Kunzite that is abundant in clarity and is a deep purple is, however, rare.

Kunzite Hardness: 6.5-7

Kunzite Lustre: Vitreous

Kunzite Crystal System: Monoclinic

Kunzite Etymology: Named in honor of George Frederick Kunz

Kunzite has a chemical composition of LiAlSi2O

Source: Mindat. (https://www.mindat.org/min-2289.html)

Metaphysical Properties

Kunzite is said to have various metaphysical properties, particularly regarding around love, joy, and happiness. Others say that it is a stone that allows one to be more appreciative of what they have and to count their blessings. It is said to be:

  • Stone of Love
  • Stone of Joy
  • Stone of Happiness
  • Stone of Passion

Crystal healers believe that Kunzite possesses remarkable mental and emotional healing properties that can effectively alleviate high emotions and provide a soothing and calming effect. This beautiful gemstone is particularly beneficial for individuals prone to emotional shutdown as it gently encourages them to open up and embrace vulnerability.

Crystal healers claim that kunzite is known for radiating an energy of unconditional love and self-compassion, offering a profound source of comfort and nurturance. It is believed to help restore faith and unlock the guarded heart, making it easier for individuals to form deep connections with others and find trust.

Crystal healers also believe that Kunzite has the power to facilitate self-expression and promote a sense of freedom and ease in communication. By fostering a deeper understanding and acceptance of personal boundaries, Kunzite ensures that individuals maintain a healthy level of self-respect while still exploring the vast possibilities of connection and growth.

Overall, Kunzite is highly regarded by crystal healers for its comprehensive range of mental and emotional healing properties. Its pale pink hue serves as a reminder of its gentle nature, providing comfort, compassion, and encouragement to those in need. By embracing the powerful vibrations of Kunzite, crystal healers say that individuals can experience emotional liberation, personal growth, and a renewed sense of self-worth.

Kunzite symbolizes divine love and the light of being, representing a connection to higher realms and spiritual energy.

Kunzite, a gemstone cherished for its soft hues and gentle energy, is often celebrated in the world of crystal healing for its claimed benefits. Beyond its association with love, Kunzite is believed to radiate calming and soothing energies, which crystal healers say is ideal for meditation.

Crystal enthusiasts frequently turn to Kunzite for its reputed ability to create an ideal spiritual environment. They see it as a tranquil companion in today’s fast-paced world, offering a peaceful respite for the mind and spirit. The belief is that by holding, wearing, or meditating with Kunzite, one can tap into its gentle vibrations, which can help to ease tension and make spiritual activity more ideal.

Moreover, Kunzite is not just about tranquility and peace; it's also viewed as a stone of self-discovery and spiritual evolution. It's believed to assist in connecting with higher levels of wisdom and enhancing intuitive abilities. According to crystal healing practitioners, Kunzite serves as a bridge to some higher planes of thought.

By facilitating a connection with the higher self and enhancing intuition, Kunzite is said to support individuals in their journey of personal and spiritual growth. It's thought to encourage introspection, helping one to understand their true desires and motivations, and to align with their authentic path.

    These claims are not backed by scientific evidence.

    The Wrap Up

    A high quality kunzite crystal is downright unique. These stones have various properties that make them stand out among others. A kunzite stone is generally trichroic and has two cleavages. It is known to be a challenging stone to cut, but when that is done right, it is an outstanding stone.

     Click Here to See our Kunzite Collection!

    Image of lavender kunzite chips in a bowl


    Grande, Lance, and Augustyn, Allison. Gems and Gemstones: Timeless Natural Beauty of the Mineral World. United Kingdom, University of Chicago Press, 2009.

    Klein, Cornelis, and Philpotts, Anthony. Earth Materials 2nd Edition: Introduction to Mineralogy and Petrology. United Kingdom, Cambridge University Press, 2016.




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